Tradeoff Studies about Storage and Retrieval Efficiency of Boundary Data Representations for LLS, TIGER and DLG Data Structures


  • David Clutter
  • Peter Bajcsy

We present our theoretical comparisons and experimental evaluations of three boundary data representations in terms of storage and information retrieval efficiency. We focus on three boundary data representations, such as, location list data structure (LLS), digital line graphs (DLGs) and topologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing (TIGER) data organizations. These three boundary data representations are used frequently in the GIS domain, and are known as ESRI Shapefiles (LLS), the SSURGO DLG-3 soil files (DLG), and the U.S. Census Bureau 2000 TIGER/Line files (TIGER). Boundary information is viewed as an efficient representation of image documents describing spatial regions. The goal of our work is to study the impacts of choosing boundary information representation on document image management and information retrieval, as well as to improve our understanding of the processing noise introduced during representation conversions. Our storage and retrieval efficiency tradeoff evaluations are based on load time, computer memory, and hard disk space requirements. The experimental measurements are obtained with test data sets derived from the SSURGO DLG-3 soil files and the U.S. Census Bureau 2000 TIGER/Line files. Based on our experiments, we concluded that LLS files will provide the fastest boundary retrieval (40 times faster than TIGER and 2.5 times faster than DLG) at the price of file size (storage redundancy for LLS files is between 70% and 180% in our experiments). DLG format offers a smaller file size, but is less efficient for boundary retrieval. TIGER format also offers a compact physical representation, at the cost of more processing for boundary retrievals. These findings provide quantitative support for institutional document image management decisions. coordinate system. The challenge in storing vector data is to organize the data such that the positions and geographic meanings of vector data elements are efficiently stored and easily extracted. Among all vector data representations in files, the following data structures have been used frequently: location list data structure (LLS), point dictionary structure (PDS), dual independent map encoding structure (DIME), chain file structure (CFS), digital line graphs (DLGs) and topologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing (TIGER) files. For detailed description of each data structure we refer a reader to [1]. The motivation of our work came from the fact that while boundary data types are preferred over raster data types when it comes to storing boundary information, there are multiple memory storage schemes for boundary information, as listed in the previous paragraph. However, choosing the storage scheme that minimizes memory requirements might have a detrimental impact on boundary information retrieval efficiency. Thus, our objective is to evaluate quantitatively the tradeoffs between storage and retrieval efficiency of multiple boundary data representations for LLS, TIGER and DLG data structures. The outcomes of our evaluations are useful for (a) institutional decisions about archiving and retrieving geospatial boundary information, and (b) custom applications that perform processing of large size, geospatial boundary data sets. In this work, we evaluate three boundary data representations for efficient boundary information storage and retrieval. These three data representations include (1) Census 2000 TIGER/Line files defined by the U.S. Census Bureau and saved in topologically integrated geographic encoding and referencing (TIGER) data structures, (2) shapefiles defined by the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) and stored in location list data structure (LLS) data structures, and (3) SSURGO DLG-3 soil boundaries prepared by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and stored in digital line graphs (DLGs) data structures. We overview the three data file formats first. Next, we present our experimental results, and pairwise analysis of experimental results. Finally, we summarize our work and add a few observations about other possible trade-off metrics that might be considered for making institutional decisions. 2 SSURGO DLG-3 Soil Files The Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Digital Line Graphs (DLG) files provide geographical information on the boundaries of soil types [9], [10], [11]. The SSURGO data sets provide the highest spatial resolution of soil type information among the three soil geographic data bases, such as, the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) data base, the State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) data base, and the National Soil Geographic (NATSGO) data base. 2.1 File Format Description DLG File Structure: The DLG file structure is designed to support all categories of spatial data that can be represented on a map. Three distinct types of DLG are defined. Large-scale DLG data is digitized from 1:24,000-scale USGS topographic quadrangles (SSURGO). Intermediate-scale DLG data is digitized from 1:100,000-scale USGS quadrangles (STATSGO). Small-scale DLG data is digitized from 1:2,000,000scale sectional maps (NATSGO). Furthermore, three levels of DLG data were defined in terms of the number of attributes. It was found that the widest user community would be served by DLG Level 3 (DLG-3) data, which allows for the highest resolution (SSURGO) and highest number of attributes to be encoded (Level 3). The lesser levels of DLG encoding are unused. DLG-3 encodes attributes using two codes: a major code and a minor code. Similar attributes share a major code. The SSURGO DLG-3 soil database uses both the major code and minor code to encode the primary key into a relational database to further describe an area. We gathered the SSURGO DLG-3 files for a few counties in Illinois from ssurgo/data/index.html. There are two files for each county, such as, (digital line graph or DLG) and (ASCII attribute data available in Microsoft Access 97 or later template database). The files contain soil boundaries of 18,000 soil series recognized in the United States. For the integration purposes, we have explored the following information from the DLG-3 documentation: (a) file naming convention, (b) spatial resolution, (c) spatial accuracy, (d) geographic coordinate system and (e) storage format. In terms of file naming convention, the file would contain files with the following suffixes: af soil polygon DLG-3 file, aa soil polygon attribute file, sf special soil point and line DLG-3 file, and sa special soil point and line attribute file. Regarding spatial resolution, soil survey is mapped at a scale ranging from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. The SSURGO soil boundaries meet the accuracy standards for the USGS 7.5-minute topographic quadrangles or the 1:12,000 or 1:24,000 orthophotoquads. Finally, the storage format is Digital Line Graph optional format with the attribute table data archived in ASCII table or INFORMIX table format. DLG Georeferencing Information: In terms of a geographic coordinate system, coordinates are derived from the North American Datum of 1983 reference system that is based upon the Geodetic Reference System of 1980. DLG data are recorded in either the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system or are projected using the Albers Equal-Area Conic projection. SSURGO DLG-3 data are normally reported in the UTM system. STATSGO DLG data are reported using the Albers Equal-Area Conic projection. DLG Data Description: DLG data are reported as nodes, lines, and areas. Lines are composed of a series of nodes, and areas are composed of lists of lines (or optionally nodes). The composition of an area or a line can be encoded either as a list of the nodes that make up the element, or as a list of points. Due to this hierarchical structure, each element must be encoded with a unique identifier. A node is a coordinate on a map. Each node has an Easting value and a Northing value in the UTM coordinate system. Nodes define the points of each line and are encoded with (1) a unique identifier and (2) the coordinates that the node represents. Nodes can also be encoded with attributes, if desired. Additionally, the DLG format specification allows for a list of all lines that begin and end at a node to be encoded in the record for a node. This is redundant information, however, for it is reflected in the line records as well. Lines are a series of nodes. Each line is encoded with a unique identifier, as well as its starting node and ending node. The coordinates that a line follows are also listed. In addition, a line can be encoded with attributes. An area is an enclosed section. Areas can be encoded as either a sequence of lines or a sequence of nodes. When encoded as a sequence of lines, the area will contain a list of the lines that the boundary of the area follows. This list contains the unique identifier for each line; negative values signify that the points in the line should be reversed. Islands within an area are delimited by a ‘0’ in the list of lines. Areas are specified in a clockwise direction around the perimeter of the area, and islands are specified in a counter-clockwise direction. In addition, an area can be encoded with major and minor code pairs. When encoded as a sequence of nodes, the area will contain a list of the nodes make up the boundary of the area. Software Development for SSURGO DLG-3 Files: First, we implemented a loader for SSURGO DLG-3 files and added it to the list of other GIS files supported by the NCSA I2K software package [5]. Next, we extended our 2D visualization to support visualization SSURGO DLG-3 files. We can visualize multiple georeferenced vector data structures (boundaries and sets of points) simultaneously. Third, we develop a conversion function from SSURGO DLG-3 data structure to ESRI Shapefile (LLS) data structure that was needed for tradeoff comparison purposes. The details of boundary information retrieval from DLG-3 file format can be described as follows. The DLG file format defines objects using a hierarchical structure. The lowest objects in the hierarchy must be retrieved prior to higher objects in the hierarchy. Thus, in order to retrieve an area, all lines that make up the area’s boundary must be retrieved beforehand. Therefore, the DLG-3 loader in I2K will read all the defined lines first. The lines are kept in a lookup table, and indexed by their unique identifier for later use. The size of this structure is directly proportional to the number of lines. Next, the areas are retrieved by populating I2K defined data structures for boundary information denoted a ShapeObject. In the ShapeObject, an area has a list of the coordinates that make up its boundary. This list is dynamically constructed when reading an area. Areas that share a boundary will have copies of the common coordinates. Once all areas have been read and processed, the lookup table containing the lines can be safely discarded. Finally, the coordinates for the areas are copied into a ShapeObject. 2.2 Theoretical Evaluation Memory requirements: The DLG-3 optional format used in SSURGO soil databases provides a compact physical representation of the boundaries of soil types over a geographic area. There is little redundancy in a DLG-3 file. Each area is a list of lines that do not cross. The lines must share the same endpoints in order to fully define an area. Thus, the only redundant information is the endpoints of each line. The points of adjacent polygons will be specified only once; in a line, or series of lines. The boundary between adjacent, nonoverlapping polygons is represented as the same series of line identifiers in the file. In addition, representing all data in a fixed-length ASCII form makes for smaller, highly compressible files. Abundant white space exists in DLG-3 files to maintain the fixed length. Typical compression algorithms will compress a series of identical characters efficiently. Thus, when a DLG-3 file is subject to compression, the white space will compress well. Boundary information retrieval requirements: The boundary information retrieval from DLG-3 file format can require significant processing resources. All boundary coordinates are stored as ASCII characters in a DLG file. In order to use the polygons specified in a file, each coordinate must be converted into a native numeric value. This conversion can be quite costly, and takes approximately 27% of the time to load SSURGO DLG-3 files in I2K. 3 Census 2000 TIGER/Line Files The Census 2000 TIGER/Line Files provide geographical information on the boundaries of counties, zip codes, voting districts, and a geographic hierarchy of census relevant territories, e.g., census tracts that are composed of block groups, which are in turn composed of blocks. It also contains information on roads, rivers, landmarks, airports, etc, including both latitude/longitude coordinates and corresponding addresses [2]. A detailed digital map of the United States, including the ability to look up addresses, could therefore be created through processing of the TIGER/Line files. 3.1 File Format Description Because the density of data in the TIGER/Line files comes at the price of a complex encoding, extracting all available information from TIGER/Line files is a major task. In this work, our focus is primarily on extracting boundary information of regions and hence other available information in TIGER/Line files is not described here. TIGER/Line files are based on an elaboration of the chain file structure (CFS) [1], where the primary element of information is an edge. Each edge has a unique ID number (TIGER/Line ID or TLID) and is defined by two end points. In addition, each edge then has polygons associated with its left and right sides, which in turn are associated with a county, zip code, census tract, etc. The edge is also associated with a set of shape points, which provide the actual form an edge takes. The use of shape points allows for fewer polygons to be stored. Figure 1: Illustration of the role of shape points. To illustrate the role of shape points, imagine a winding river that is crossed by two bridges a mile apart, and that the river is a county boundary and therefore of interest to the user (see Figure 1). The erratic path of the river requires many points to define it, but the regions on either side of it do not change from one point to the next, only when the next bridge is reached. In this case, the two bridge/river intersections would be the end points of an edge and the exact path of the river would be represented as shape points. As a result, only one set of polygons (one on either side of the river) is necessary to represent the boundary information of many small, shape defining edges of a boundary. This kind of vector representation has significant advantages over other methods in terms of storage space. To illustrate this point, consider that many boundaries will share the same border edges. These boundaries belong to not only neighboring regions of the same type, but also to different kinds of regions in the geographic hierarchy. As a result, storing the data contained in the TIGER/Line files in a basic location list data structure (LLS) such as ESRI Shapefiles, where every boundary stores its own latitude/longitude point, would introduce a significant amount of redundancy to an already restrictively large data set. In contrast to its apparent storage efficiency, the TIGER vector data representation is very inefficient for boundary information retrieval and requires extensive processing. From a retrieval standpoint, an efficient representation would enable direct recovery of the entire boundary of a region as a list of consecutive points. The conversion between the memory efficient (concise) and retrieval efficient forms of the data is quite laborious in terms of both software development and computation time. Another advantage of the TIGER/Line file representation is that each type of GIS information is self-contained in a subset of files. As a result users can process only the desired information by loading a selected subset of relevant files. For example, each primary region (county) is fully represented by a maximum of 17 files. Therefore, the landmark information is separate from the county boundary definition information, which is separate from the street address information, etc. Those files that are relevant to the boundary point extraction, and the attributes of those files that are of interest, are the following: • Record Type 1: Edge ID (TLID), Lat/Long of End Points • Record Type 2: TLID, Shape Points • Record Type I: TLID, Polygon ID Left, Polygon ID Right • Record Type S: Polygon ID, Zip Code, County, Census Tract, Block Group, etc. • Record Type P: Polygon ID, Internal Point (Lat/Long). We denote this subset of files as “Census boundary records”. 3.2 Theoretical Evaluations This work extends our previous study about the tradeoffs between U.S. Census Bureau TIGER and ESRI Shapefile data representations that are documented in [7].

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